2024: A Year in Review
Dear Friends,
As we approach the end of the year, we have been reflecting on 2024 at One Small Thing. The past year has been challenging for many, with prisons at breaking point, a continued cost-of living crisis and stretched community services. However, 2024 also saw a new government take power with aspirations to reform and improve elements of the justice and wider systems.
Despite the challenges, the end of the year is a great time to remember all the progress that has been made, and look forward to what the future may bring.
This year we have:
Championed a trauma informed approach through our training and consultancy. In 2024, we delivered over 25 training courses to a variety of sectors including NHS trusts, voluntary sector organisations, women’s centres, universities and youth development agencies. Following a successful first Trauma Informed Team Leadership Programme in 2024, we were excited to receive a large number of applications for the new Programme starting in February 2025. Keep an eye out for more details in the new year of a Trauma Informed Network we are holding in London on 6th March. Find dates and details for our other trauma informed training courses.
“It has made me realise that I am not alone in some of the struggles I deal with at work. Listening to others and hearing and supporting them has allowed me to think about similar issues I might experience in my own organisation, and how to address them.”
Grown our Working with Trauma Quality Mark. In 2024, we had 28 organisations embark on their Quality Mark journey and awarded eight Silver and five Bronze awards to recognise trauma-informed practice. Learn more about our Working with Trauma Quality Mark.
Continued to support those working in prisons. Our Working with Trauma Framework for Secure Settings saw its pilot launch in 2024. Three specialist units in HMP Aylesbury, HMP Brixton and HMP Swaleside were involved in the pilot, all receiving their Level One awards. Between February and May 2024, we also delivered 10 online Trauma-Informed training sessions for staff working in two prisons in the UK overseas territories.
Prevented women and children being separated through imprisonment. We developed a specific pathway to Hope Street in each of the prison-based Mother and Baby Units, as well as for pregnant women who are on remand in prison. We provided tailored, gender specific support for women living at Hope Street, and supported mothers to have contact with children being looked after in the community.
“In the days since her release she has been sending me pictures and messages of joy and hope at being back out in the community with her baby... Securing my client a place at Hope Street was one of the most important pieces in the jigsaw of her case… If only there were more Hope Streets, I’m sure custody could be avoided for many women in the first place.”
Published three new research briefings on Community Justice Solutions for Women, and Motherhood in the Justice System. Read our briefings.
Influenced policy makers on issues affecting women in the justice system. This year we responded to consultations on improving sentencing for pregnant women and mothers, and met with the Justice Minister on creating change for women impacted by the justice system.
Worked in collaboration with partners to effect change together. Collaborative efforts leading up to the election and with the new Government sees women in the justice system firmly on the political agenda. We have valued being part of the National Women’s Justice Coalition and seeing the Coalition’s call for a Women’s Justice Board being taken on by the new Government.
Brought you two brand new series of our podcast. Our spring series took a detailed look at community justice solutions for women, and our most recent series explored women’s health in the justice system. Explore our new series.
Shared the voice of lived experience through working with our Women’s Involvement Advisor to publish a regular blog. Read our blog here.
Looking to the future
In the coming year we want to support even more women and children, share our learning, grow our partnerships and prove alongside others, that women’s imprisonment and maternal separation is not the answer, the answer lies in community-based solutions.
Thank you to everyone who has generously donated to One Small Thing this year. Your support is helping us to drive forward our vital mission to redesign the justice system for women and their children and realise our vision for a more trauma informed justice system. We look forward to working together with you for even greater impact in 2025.